Who we are
Our club has around 240 members and is a good mix of families, couples and singles of all ages. There are a variety of activities in the areas of hiking tours and whitewater paddling, so you can choose the waters on which you feel most comfortable.

Our whitewater and freestyle training
During the cold season, there is a weekly training session in the swimming pool at the University of Regensburg. Here, the various rolling techniques can be learned and practiced under experienced guidance.
During the cold season, there is a weekly training session in the swimming pool at the University of Regensburg. Here, the various rolling techniques can be learned and practiced under experienced guidance.
Our beautiful boathouse and the club grounds invite you to celebrate together. Our traditional summer party takes place every year, to which we also invite other canoe clubs. There is also a Christmas party and many spontaneous get-togethers, such as barbecues, volleyball games or “splashing around” on the jetty. There is also a tent meadow on the club grounds, which is particularly popular with canoeists and cyclists. There is also a tent meadow on the club grounds, which is particularly popular with canoeists and cyclists.

Trips and excursions
Sportliche Wanderfahrten auf den Kleinflüssen der Umgebung: Ganzjährig, in der Regel an Sonntagen organisieren wir kurzfristig und wasserstandsabhängig Ausflüge zu den Flüssen im Umkreis von Regensburg, von gemütlich bis wild.
Sporty touring trips on the small rivers in the area: All year round, usually on Sundays, we organize trips to the rivers in the Regensburg area at short notice and depending on the water level, from leisurely to wild.

Trips on whitewater streams in the Alps and in the surrounding area according to the trip program: every year our sports supervisor puts together a trip program that offers fun and challenges for beginners and experts from WWII to V on the long weekends from early summer to autumn.

Wasserwandern auf den größeren Flüssen im Rahmen von Bezirksfahrten des Bayerischen Kanu Verbands – Bezirk Oberpfalz: In unterschiedlich starker Delegation nehmen unsere Mitglieder an den Wanderfahrten des Dachverbandes teil.

So könnt Ihr mitmachen!
Ihr möchtet das Paddeln gerne einmal ausprobieren und mehr über diesen Sport erfahren? Dann kommt doch zueinem der Anfängerkurse. Diese werden während der Sommersaison angeboten.

Ihr habt bereits Erfahrung im Paddeln und interessiert euch für eine Mitgliedschaft in unserem Verein? Dann freuen wir uns auf euren Anruf, E-Mail und am besten Besuch beim Training. Informationen zur Mitgliedschaft und zu den Beiträgen findet ihr hier.